50679 Köln
The event
Finding Staff (The Problem - Michael Borgert BBE)
Finding Staff (Realisation - Tanja Schmidt Viasona)
1. Who Are We Missing? Where are we short of staff? Why do we have no or too few applicants?
2. Who Are We Looking For? Qualifications, skills, and budgeting.
3. What Sets Us Apart? Location, presentation, brand, recognition, etc.
4. Where Do We Want to Be Found? Internal versus external, online job boards, social networks, industry associations, and networks.
5. How Do We Want to Be Found? Activating all channels.
6. How Do We Find the Right Staff? Efficient applicant management, structured selection process, standardized interview process, reference and suitability checks.
7. Job Interviews – But How?
Excite your desired candidate about your company. successful recruiting examples from the tire trade - authentic appearance on the applicant market - Know who you specifically need for your company in order to ensure a perfect fit - the best doesn't have to be the most suitable